Friday 16 December 2011

The Grandmother Puppet

For the eyes I bought medium sized glass beads. They were dipped in white resin paint (small tubs can be bought in most shops) and left to dry overnight. You may need to do several layers as the paint can run. Then, using the smallest brush, I painted in black resin to fill in the pupils and for the iris I used a sparkly brown. Don’t overload the brush as I found the paint runs down very quickly making it hard to clean up drips. The iris and the pupil are delicate work so they need to be painted carefully.

Stop Motion- A Guide to Puppet Making

For my practical research I decided to continue with my Stop Motion Production. I have already learnt so much about the process of model making and building a set, that it would be valuable to review the different stages.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Knock a' Knock

Large acrylic painting- i like the flesh tone colours